
Prévention Alzheimer pour les petits… et les grands

Ce projet innovant de prévention s’adresse particulièrement aux enfants (et aussi aux plus grands !).

Dans un court dessin animé, Robbie, un petit cerveau, enseigne les bonnes habitudes de vie pour garder un cerveau en bonne santé et diminuer le risque de maladie d’Alzheimer future.

Version anglaise de la vidéo


Ce travail nous est présenté par Eleonor Bayen. Il fait suite à son année de recherche en 2017 à l’Université de San Francisco au Memory and Aging Center, et a été réalisé en collaboration avec UCSF, avec le soutien financier de UCSF et de l’American Alzheimer Association (projet à des fins non commerciales).

Cette vidéo très facile à comprendre transmet des messages de santé publique fondés sur des bases scientifiques solides.
N’hésitez pas à diffuser et partager la vidéo pour soutenir le projet.

Pour plus d’informations sur le projet :

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EACD SUMMER SCHOOL 15-19 July 2019

Evidence based medicine and research in rehabilitation of childhood disabilities
Pisa (Italy) 15-19 July 2019

A course on research in child rehabilitation and good clinical practice in collaboration with the European Academy of Childhood Disability (EACD)

A 5-full days course, practical and immersive, organized as a University of Pisa Summer School by the European Academy of Childhood Disability (EACD), with the support of the IRCCS Fondazione Stella Maris.

Teaching programme covering the models, the procedures and instruments that are required internationally to plan and conduct research in rehabilitation of childhood disabilities, guided by good clinical practice.

Course faculty made of European experts in the field of childhood disability research.

Aims of the Summer School i) to skill participants to conduct research in the field of rehabilitation of childhood disability in the work environment and at home, guided by the principles of good clinical practice and ii) to promote international collaboration in Europe in evidence based research in childhood disability.

Target group of attenders made of maximum 32 clinicians and researchers (aged less than 35 years)) working in the disciplines related to rehabilitation of childhood disabilities with interest in performing research in this field, selected based on CV.

Cost of the course €500 including accommodation, breakfast, lunch and coffee breaks.

Bursaries (for €500 fee and up to €300 for travel cost) available

Application Deadline : 18 February 2019

Information and registration
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